Play Sleeper Fantasy Football Leagues and other Games with your Friends

Sleeper Fantasy Football

Auction is one of the most anticipated features of the 2021 season. Every player starts with a budget, then bids on nominated players to construct their team. On Sleeper, the Auction interface gives players full context of what is going on with league-mates. You’ll be able to plan your next move accordingly by understanding the budget and positional needs of your opponents at a glance using our innovative one-of-a-kind interface.

For many players, the tablet is the main device for managing fantasy teams. Whether you use the iPad or an Android tablet, you’ll be happy to know that our native mobile apps have been extended to take advantage of your favorite form factor.

Sleeper’s mobile app has seen many improvements over the years, but the web app has not gotten the same love. Coming mid-August, we will unveil a brand new design that will immerse you in the team management, score checking, and social experience of fantasy leagues.

Communication is at the heart of what makes Sleeper different than other platforms. Other platforms offer chat systems nobody wants to use. Sleeper is designed as a modern messenger at its core. It’s not uncommon to hear players on Sleeper claim that their leagues are 10 times more active since switching over.

League DMs, our latest chat feature, help you connect with your league-mates 1:1 or in sub-groups directly in your league chat panel. Sleeper makes trading draft picks dead simple. Historically, when you trade picks, mock drafts do not accurately reflect where your actual picks are.

As of today, Sleeper has become the first platform allowing players to mock draft with traded picks, resulting in more realistic simulations of how a real draft will play out.

We believe each player has the right to decide what works for them. Players have full control over notifications, and whether to use Dark Mode or Light Mode. Now, players will also have full control over mascots, being able to turn them on or off for any league.

So far, most people who have switched to Sleeper either left their league history on the original platform or had to stick it in a Google Doc somewhere for reference. Finally, we give you the ability to edit prior history so that it all stays in one place. Nice and clean.

Many leagues use positional limits to prevent a single team from hoarding an entire positional category. Commissioners can now set granular positional limits from the Roster Settings.

We introduced the concept of player nicknames three years ago. Now, commissioners can also add league-wide player notes, directly from any Player Card. This is a flexible feature that can be used for everything from tracking a side bet to contract league salaries.

Every season, we add more ways to customize league scoring rules. This year, 3rd and 4th down stops are making the cut.

We’ve made multiple quality of life enhancements to the trading experience. Many players complained that selecting a player from the trade center would result in being auto-scrolled to the top of the screen. This interaction has been changed to keep you in place without losing context of currently selected players.

Sleeper GameDay

  • Live play-by-plays of your matchup with contextual fantasy points.
  • Contextual box scores based on your fantasy scoring settings. No more looking at box scores that only show stats and trying to do conversions in your head.
  • Quick access to see all top performers of the week in a real-time dashboard.
  • Videos and highlights throughout the day.
  • A visual representation of how far away each of your players are from the endzone on a football field.

Sleeper is the only platform that allows you to trade both players and picks during live drafts. This is now 10 times easier as owners can perform trades directly from the board itself without ever leaving the draft room.

At Sleeper, we are committed to feature-parity between our mobile and web apps. Unlike other platforms, you’ll be able to do everything from the mobile app that you can do from the web app. Editing matchups was the last item on the list. We love shortcuts. Players are now able to tap on league-mate avatar directly from league chat to open up team rosters.

The draft is the most important event of the year, yet every other platform makes it the commissioner’s job to constantly remind the league to be present. With SMS reminders, the possibility of someone forgetting to show up is drastically reduced.

Designing the perfect experience for your league starts with scoring settings. We’ve redesigned the entire interface to make editing scoring rules easier to use. Sleeper now offers more scoring categories for mock drafts than any other platform. Whether it’s a Dynasty Superflex league or a Half-PPR Rookie draft, we’ve got your league’s scoring system covered with realistic ADPs.

Whether a league prefers to communicate via photos on Snapchat or text on Whatsapp, we’ve got it covered. In addition to URL invites, commissioners can send QR codes to bring friends into the league. Up until now, existing friend leagues have been the most common type of group on Sleeper. However, fantasy leagues have always been a great way to make new friends too.

The draftboard offers total commissioner control at all times, with unlimited pick changes, pauses, and undos. You can start the draft at any time, in case people are late. Half your league can be drafting on the big screen while the other half drafts remotely. It works perfectly on the web and mobile.

Lastly, we designed the interface to be a board so you can easily see when position runs are happening, and the positional needs of your opponents. The board has can be cast to your big screen, and offers the option of dark mode as well.

Nobody else offers this experience in their draft. We understand how important the draft is, and how flexible software needs to be to solve those problems. You can learn more here: Why you should use the Sleeper draftboard for your live draft

If you’ve ever used Slack or Discord, this interface may seem familiar to you. You can see that free agent moves, as well as league banter all, happen within this chat. You can also send photos, conduct polls, and issue challenges directly from the chat. This chat is identical on mobile as it is on the web, and sends push notifications to your phone when you are away.

Simply put, league chat is the best way to stay connected, no matter what platform you use, and it’s the single reason that our leagues are considered the most active and fun of all the platforms. We care deeply about facilitating communication between leaguemates because we know that it is very difficult to get in touch with owners in your league unless you are close friends.

With Sleeper, more trades happen because more discussions happen. Fewer people miss draft times because everyone is more organized and informed.

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